What is Compressed NFT (cNFT)?

The Compressed NFT (cNFT) format allows for creating massive collections of NFTs (up to one billion) without spending a significant amount of time and money on minting. Minting NFTs involves creating a unique digital item on the blockchain, which becomes collectible and can be sold or traded. The cNFT format combines two storage types: 

  1. On-chain, where information is visible and accessible to all network participants;
  2. Off-chain, which is on a secure server such as Amazon, making NFT handling faster and more convenient as it does not require immediate processing on the blockchain. 

When a cNFT is first interacted with, it gets moved to blockchain and is indistinguishable from a classical NFT. This means the digital item is added to the blockchain for everyone to see and trade. The cost of creating cNFTs is equivalent to the price of a mint of a regular NFT, a symbolic amount of a few cents.

You can submit your custom cNFT for display on Getgems via the support bot.

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